
Hey everyone!!!!! You must be wondering how did you end up here. It would appear you are curious enough to click on a link to know more about this guy Akhilesh Kesavan.


Well, of course, I know him, He's me (Hoping you get the Star Wars meme reference), the guy in the photo (No not the guy in the background) about to dive into and relish that scrumptious looking sizzler. I am a currently a freelance tutor, helping high school and junior college students with mathematics and science and hopefully inspiring them in the pursuit of knowledge rather than clear exams. I am also look to further my career in the field of research in biotechnology either in academia or in industry.

I have previously worked with Dr Himanshu Sinha as a member of the Systems Genetics Lab at The Indian Institute of Technology Madras. My work involved unravelling the mysteries around the infamous translator, the Ribosome, with the help of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

A self-proclaimed know it all with a constant feeling of not knowing enough, I seek new avenues to learn to improve my knowledge and skillset. Be it work or fun-oriented, I believe that no information is bad information (locate the pun). As a severe workaholic (with high inertia), once I set out to achieve something, I do not stop until the job gets is done. As an avid gamer, my way of taking a break from the gruesome routine life is to live the adventurous life of an anxious mountain climber conquering mount Celeste or an exile slaying the old gods or venture into a Defence Of The Ancients as the bone fletcher to name a few. When not in an adventurous mood, I try to catch up on some reading, relax to the music of the adventures, or attempt to pick up a new skill.

To quickly summarize, I am a hopeful biotechnologist, part-time photographer, gamer, knower of things, mythology buff and, an admirer of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

Enjoy your visit to my page and DO NOT BLINK!!!!


GROMACS quote of the page
